Instability Series

Our instability series includes the following views:

  • True AP
  • Axillary Lateral View
  • Stryker Notch View
  • Westpoint View

Each of these is listed below with examples and a description of how to shoot it.

ShoulderTrueAPposition sm
ShoulderTrueAPxray sm

True AP

Position: Patient erect with affected side against Bucky, turn patient 30-35 degrees

Tube: Perpendicular

Demonstrates: Glenohumeral joint space

ShoulderAxLatxray sm
ShoulderAxLatposition sm

Axillary Lateral

Position: Patient supine with small sponge under shoulder, humerus abducted to 90 degrees, elbow bent 90 degrees and perpendicular to table

Tube: Central ray bisecting angle of humerus and body

Glenohumeral joint
Coracoid process pointing anteriorly
Lessor tuberosity in profile
AC joint, acromion, and end of clavicle project through
humeral head

ShoulderStrykerxray sm
ShoulderStrykerposition sm

Stryker Notch View

Position: Erect or supine, with hand on back of head

Tube: 10 degrees cephalic to the coracoid

Hill-Sachs defects

ShoulderWestpointposition sm
ShoulderWestpointxray sm

Westpoint View

Position: Prone with sponge supporting affected shoulder, abduct arm 90 degrees, bend elbow and hang forearm off the table

Tube: Central ray is double angled – 25 degrees from horizontal and 25 degrees medially

Bony abnormalities of the glenoid rim

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