Our impingement series includes the following views:
True AP (Grasheys)
Axillary Lateral View
Supraspinatus Outlet view
30° Caudal Tilt
AP of AC Joint
All of these views are listed below with examples and a description of how to shoot them.
True AP (Grasheys)
Position: Patient erect with affected side against Bucky, turn patient 30-35 degrees
Tube: Perpendicular
Demonstrates: Glenohumeral joint space
Axillary Lateral View
Position: Patient supine with small sponge under shoulder, humerus abducted to 90 degrees, elbow bent 90 degrees and perpendicular to table
Tube: Central ray bisecting angle of humerus and body
Glenohumeral joint
Coracoid process pointing anteriorly
Lessor tuberosity in profile
AC joint, acromion, and end of clavicle project through humeral head
Supraspinatus Outlet View
Position: Patient erect PA, with affected side against Bucky, turn patient 40-45 degrees
Tube: 15-20 degrees caudal with central ray at the coracoid
Demonstrates: Acromial morphology
30 Degree Caudal Tilt
Position: Patient erect or supine
Tube: 30 degrees caudal entering at coracoid
Demonstrates: Acromial morphology
AP of AC Joint
Position: Patient erect or supine
Tube: Perpendicular to AC Joint
Demonstrates: AC Joint